Mikhail Zhuravlev
ACISE President

Mikhail Zhuravlev is the Founder and President of the Erzia International Art Foundational and Stepan Erzia Association for International Cultural Cooperation (ACISE), as well as a businessman and well-known philanthropist.
Under the leadership of Mikhail Zhuravlev, cooperation with a number of organizations in Europe and Latin America has been established, and events such as conferences, festivals, exhibitions, aimed at strengthening social and cultural ties between Russia and other countries, have been held. Some of the most notable initiatives include the creation of the Casa Russa Arti Erzia (Erzia Russian House of Arts) in Genoa, the organization of the International Children’s Creativity Competition “Erzia Master Worlds,” and the Russian-South American project “Russian Sculptor Stepan Erzia and South America. The Return of the Maestro.” Additionally, significant job has been done on restoring Erzia sculptures located in Italy, France, Argentina, Uruguay, and other countries, and creating a collection of exclusive copies for exhibiting in Europe and Russia.
Mikhail Zhuravlev’s active participation in creative projects helps promote Stepan Erzia’s unique cultural heritage in Russia and the global community. The President’s immediate plans include creating an open communication environment, researching and restoring little-known works by the sculptor, publishing archives, engaging in publishing activities, and releasing a series of educational and artistic books about Erzia, as well as conducting a deep and thorough study of the great master’s works.
The main message of the projects overseen by the President is to preserve and strengthen cultural ties between the past and present, develop cross-cultural communications, and promote a humanitarian agenda.